Sunday, October 17, 2010

guess who waits patiently for me at the bottom of the stairs everyday?????

Even though TAM is cutting into his walk time, my little precious pup cheers me on from the bottom of the stairs!!!! Thanks Stevie Wonder, for being so patient with Mommy.
and thanks to Trina- for taking him on hikes during the thirty day hiatus! xoxoxLa


  1. animals fill our hearts in places we never even knew existed. i have 6 cats.. :)

  2. awww...What a big sweetie...I feel guily for leaving my 5 month old behind his baby gate too...he loves watching those leg lifts tho! little devil ;)

  3. PS: my 5 month old = maltese puppy! my floppy little fluff ball

  4. Oh my god that's THE cutest dog!! Reminds me so much of my dog Pluto who died 2,5 years ago :( He was a Labrador and he reached the age of 15 :) Is this also a Labb? Cus it looks like it. My god they're almost identical! SO CUTE!!

    Here's a little pic of him:

  5. Oh I forgot to ask - how old (young) are the apple of your eye?? (Can you even say it like that? haha)
