Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ok everyone...I've never blogged before, but I guess there's a first time for everything.

I guess we can start with first things first.

Why am I starting now?
Well, I've decided it was time I challenged myself to do something I feel as though I could not do... And I've chosen Tracy Anderson's 30 day method.
It promises to be a grueling kick start to a better body... Which leads me to my next question

What is a Thass?
Well, simply put- it's when your ass starts sliding down the back of your body and becoming one with your thighs. A thass. Generally speaking this is not  good. Unless you're into that sort of thing.

So- starting Monday, October 4th...I am committing to thirty days of utter surrender to Tracy Anderson. I do not know her, but I am putting all my faith into her method.
She has a rcokin little body and I am trusting her when she says if I put in the work, I will see the results.
If I do not see the results, then I suppose I will burn a few extra calories by hunting her down and kicking her tiny little tight ass! That will be when she learns the Laura Stroud Method. Just sayin...

I can't imagine that anyone would care too much about this journey, but I thought it might be fun to journal about the experience, the struggles, the progress and hopefully the results!

Feel free to laugh at me or with me- I'm not sensitive. I can only imagine how hysterical this whole thing might get...

I start on Monday.

Thanks for the support. When trying to reverse a Thass... It takes a village!
