Where do I even begin????
I cannot believe I am about to say this, but... I did it.
I did it.
I did it.
HOLY SHIT - I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just typed those three little words... and started crying.
I did it.
Now I can't keep the tears from running down my face.
And the funny thing about it is...I had no idea I would be this emotional about it.
It isn't about the weight loss, or the new body, or all the fun blogging or all the friends I've made during this crazy, painful, challenging and rewarding month...
I am emotional because It didn't even occur to me until today how deeply it would effect me to realize how powerful I can be when I honor myself.
When I completely apply myself.
When I give myself my word and then let NO ONE and NOTHING get in the way of me keeping that promise to myself.
I am shocked at what I have done in thirty days.
I am shocked that it took my forty one years to learn how to do it.
I am shocked that it was the hardest thing I have ever done ...and at the exact same time, the easiest.
It's like I studied harder than I ever have for a test that I was terrified to take- but was so mentally prepared that the test wasn't anything I couldn't handle. No test is really that hard when you know the answers.
I am truly shocked, and almost afraid of, what I now know.
I now know what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.
When I make no excuses.
When I get right down to business, prioritize myself and treat myself with the same respect and love as I give those around me.
When I set goals, plan the work, and work the plan.
When I prepare, manage my time, and execute.
When I tell myself I can do something, and then I believe me.
Ya know what? This changes everything.
How could it not?
How can you do everything I mentioned above, and in thirty days- ONE MONTH - completely redefine what you are capable of...completely dominate what has alluded you and tormented you for your entire life.
Think about that.
How can that not change everything?
Well folks... it does make you stop and think.
What else have I always wanted in my life, ...for myself, ...for others, ...to accomplish, ...to believe could happen... but haven't thought possible??? I can think of several things, I'm sure you can too.
I think I'm going to give them some serious thought, make a list and get after it...blogging about it all along the way !!!
I will see the list differently now as I have proved that one thing I never thought possible, that I have fought myself over all my life- ALL MY LIFE - is completely possible. I can change my body, completely change it. It's not only possible, but probable- "do able" if you will...and...
I did it.
There they are again - those three words. and there I go again...more tears!!! Sorry - can't seem to help it. I'm really proud of myself.
That's always been something I would hesitate to say -OR not think I earned the right to say it -OR not think I deserved to say.
I am an extraordinarily out going person. I am confident and happy and fearless.
and like most everyone else I know... I am a little broken.
Anyone who can live to be 41 and not feel like they would be better suited on sale in the "scratch and dent" section, rather than brand new...well, I suppose they must not have lived that much.
I live life wide ass open...and as they say - I do not want to go quietly and gracefully through life - I want to give it hell and wear it out and when it's all said and done, I want to slide into the grave like I'm stealing home.
Life is messy and beautiful and thrilling and painful.
It is filled with expectations that are never met and dreams that do not come true...and it's also FILLED with joy and laughter and love and unexpected displays of kindness and daily miracles that leave us breathless.
It is my nature to argue to the death if you pay me a compliment...and to never forget, in a million years, if you tell me something negative about myself.
Why is that???
Well, I have noticed that the compliments I have received lately - compliments that I have received directly in regards to the results I have worked hard to achieve over the last month...I have willingly and graciously accepted. It has come easily to me to say, with a pure heart...simply, "thank you."..and feel great about it.
Interesting, isn't it?
Again - this isn't about the weight or the Thass or any of that (although the improvement in both rock and I'm thrilled about it!!!!!) it's about the complete commitment, the follow through and the honoring of the promise to myself.
Like I said... it's telling myself I could DO IT...and believing me. Then...doing it. and...
I did it.
ok- I wont keep saying that!!! actually...I probably will!
hahaha!! ok....enough about all the emotional baggage issues and blah, blah, blah, crap - I'm just rambling on anyway, because I keep crying!!! So ...let's talk numbers!
Let's talk real, live, results!!! Let's talk THASStatistics!!!!
After thirty days of pain, misery, suffering, hunger, Kale nasty, sore muscles, highs and lows...
was it all worth it?
Drum roll please......
In thirty days ..... started at 141...ended at 126!!!!! I HAVE LOST 15 POUNDS!!!
In thirty days.... started at 26.41% body fat...ended at 16% - OVER A 10% CHANGE IN BODY FAT!
In thirty days....started at 133.5 mm in skinfold test...ended at 69mm!! LOST 64.5mm in pinch test!!!!!
In thirty days... I have LOST 20" - TWENTY INCHES from my body!!!!!
In thirty days...I have gone from 37.2 pounds of fat and fluid... to 20.3 pounds of fat and fluid!
In thirty days...I have completely changed my body.
I feel stronger, more lean and healthier than I ever have before.
I am committed to maintaining my results and cannot wait to keep up the great work, try new DVD's, keep up with everyone else's progress and continue to work the Thass into shape!!!!
I do not have a perfect body, and I am not concerned with it ever being "perfect" ...because that is an illusion and an unobtainable goal. But I do like the idea of being the BEST I CAN BE - finding and maintaining the BEST BODY I can... having a healthy body, A FIT A STRONG BODY...and a fit and strong mind to go with it...that is my goal.
If I have THAT BODY and THAT MIND...then I have MY perfect body.
That is sexy.
That is powerful.
That is attainable.
and THAT is exciting!!!
Ladies...and gentlemen...
It has been some month!!!! We have talked about periods, poop, saggy skin, sweat, kale juice, cellulite, mantras, motivations, bullying yourself, being kind to yourself, and internal talk radio stations.
We have cursed, cried, and laughed, we've committed multiple murders of inner fat girls - we've even taken a child's toys and shot the bird at an old man on a tractor.
We've learned we are all alike...all over the world! We have made friends in Italy, Australia, Istanbul, Germany, Asia, Canada- to name a few.... and..let's not forget...good ole Nashville!
We've loved Tracy Anderson. Worshipped Tracy Anderson. Cussed Tracy Anderson...wanted to roll Tracy Anderson up in a yoga mat and throw her in the river!! and in the end..we've really appreciated Tracy Anderson.
Thanks Tracy for doing the ten years of research, so we could just show up and take the class.
I believe your good buddy Gweynth said it best...you get out of it what you put into it.
you put your all into it and I did the same!!!
and I got more out of it than I ever imagined possible. On so many levels...so , seriously...thank you!!!
(sidenote: I'm going to Gwyneth's movie premier next week...I may stalk her. I'm guessing she should be able to recognize me by my TAM signature arms. We will probably become besties by the awards show. It could happen. I am wildly entertaining.)

Please do not fail to notice the lovely back fat. I am super proud of that.
Back fat's best friend...muffin top - is in the house too...you just can't see him.
This shot does not do justice to just how thoroughly chunky I was feeling and looking. Although - clearly- still happy!
And although I was not fat, and have not really been fat in twenty years - only various degrees of fit to kind of chunky...at this weight NONE of my clothes fit - I felt horrible and my gut was seriously out of control. Needless to say - my cellulite Farmer was rockin' a bumper crop and then some.

Here is another BEFORE shot... and what's is interesting about this one..in this shot (from about a year and a half ago) I weighed about 132-ish.
that is TEN pounds less than when I STARTED TAM - but as you can see - it was not a very "fit" 131...just kind of a soft, gooey 131. Only 6 pounds more than today's weight in!
NOW- I was going to take some really cute pictures today, with lotion on my skin that made it shiny like Tracy's and hair and make up done...but instead- what you get are shots of me just after my final workout - sweaty as hell, no make up - and taken by myself in the mirror with my Iphone!!! Not the best shots - but hey - it's something! There is one full body shot from before I started sweating!!! I'll try to take more next time I actually have some make up on and my hair done...so you can see I can be kind of cute every once in a while!
...... today, after thrity days on he TAM method... AGE: 41 WEIGHT: 126 BODY FAT:16%
Excuse the weird bulge just under my jog bra...it's my heart rate monitor!!!
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6:30 am - getting ready to workout for 3 1/2 hours... |
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Check out my TAM arm!!! |
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LOOK! ...an ab...I see it !!! - it's a junior starter kit ab..but It's still exciting! |
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Tracy arms!!! |
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I've never been under 20% body fat EVER - not EVER....until now!!! 16% Ba-by! |
Those are the pictures I had for ya!
Tomorrow I am going out to dinner with some dear friends to celebrate and plan on having a little cocktail and enjoying getting my drink on!!!! Although it will probably only take two sips and I will be a silly girl.
I also plan on taking ONE day off from working out - tomorrow morning - to take my sweet and patient puppy on a long walk. He has gained some weight while his mommy has lost some weight!!!
After that I will be back on it - trying ...and reporting to you all ... how I like the other DVD's, my food plan, my maintenence plan and future measurements... I already have it planned to take more measurements in a couple of weeks.
Also - coming up... the CMA awards, and movie premiers and lots of fun things to report on !!!
You wanted more blogging... you're gonna get more blogging!!!
I will also post ALL my numbers and all my calendar notes in the next day or two...
so be patient...I may take tomorrow off and enjoy the day with a little less structure...but then I'll be back.
I have had a ball blogging to you all about my adventure and can't thank you all enough for sending well wishes and encouragement along with your own personal stories back to me - it made SUCH a difference!!!
Thank you , thank you, from the bottom of my THASS!!!!
and although this may sound like a cliche...
IF I CAN DO THIS...YOU CAN DO THIS. Seriously. Or whatever you want to do for yourself - it doesn't have to be this program - it could be going to school, quitting smoking, learning something new, or getting in shape. Any change that you think you can not do...you can.
Tell yourself you can do it. and then have the courage to believe it.
No one can do it for you... but no one can keep you from doing it. It's your choice.
I did it.
I did it BY THE BOOK. For thirty days..in a row. Not ONE bite of food that wasn't on the food plan. Not ONE missed rep. Not ONE missed cardio session. Not ONE day without a struggle. Not ONE day without a victory. I did it.
I am dog ass tired, still hungry... but so excited!!!!!...going to bed with a belly full of puree...looking forward to breakfast and eating a solid food again... I think I'll have half a grapefruit. Living on the edge. That's how I roll.
I can't believe I get to type the next words...
30 DAYS DOWN....
and they were ALL, every last one of them...BY THE BOOK.
I did it!!!!!! (I've stopped crying..now I'm just smiling!!!!)
PS- I want to dedicate this entire journey to my brother, Buddy.
We recently disagreed on exactly how much a person could effect and change their life in thirty days.
You were a big part of my motivation. I love you.
Oh...and I was right. Just sayin'...
OMG! I'm so doing the bootcamp!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! You look amazing!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWOW!!!! You look amazing, congratulations, with all that determination you deserve those fabulous results....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
seeing your before and after pics brought tears to my eyes! you have done something i have only been able to dream about. you are an inspiration. i want to so this... please keep blogging! i will start my journey soon too....
ReplyDeleteWell done! Amazing results!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! Loved reading your story...
ReplyDeletei love your blog!!! you look amazing! rocking the tracy v =P
ReplyDeleteOMG. My mouth is wide open. That is UNBELEIVABLE!
ReplyDeleteYou look A-MAZING! Good for you! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat you have done is incredible! I can't imagine sticking to it as perfectly as you have - what an inspiration you are! You do look amazing, thanks so much for taking us along with you and I can't wait for the rest of the ride!
ReplyDeleteYou rock!
Excuse my language but HOLY SHIT!!! You look absolutely amazing!! I've read every single day (and laughed my ass off)from the very beginning with you and am so so so very impressed. You truly are an inspiration - BRAVO!
ReplyDeleteHello! I came across your blog about a week ago and scrolled back to read it all. You are an inspiration! I do hope you keep blogging. I really need to do the 30 day BC! I am going to start Nov 15 when I get back from a family trip. I hope i have your blog to come to when I get stuck! I have 2 small children and feel like the meal plan is going to rock my world! I eat clean with very low sugar but I cant image some of those meals! lol The Kale I am fine with but turkey breast? gross! haha
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing! Gorgeous, beautiful! THANK YOU! for sharing your journey!
HOLY COW!!!!! You look fantastic, and more important, you SOUND fantastic. You definitely should be SO proud of yourself, and you are an inspiration to those around you for making a commitment and sticking to it no matter how hard it seems. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Laura... I am too starting the bootcamp and its my first day and im about to go do my workout. It would just mean the world to me if you replied to my commend because i have a great time reading your posts. And ohoohoooooo you look incredible, im jelous of your abs ;)
ReplyDeleteSending you a big hug from WI! Congratulations on your accomplishment-on every level, physical, emotional, spiritual. What an amazing journey you took to find a another part of yourself! Your words have been inspiring! It has been amazing to feel this incredible connection forming from all over the world thanks to the Tracy Anderson Method. I look forward to your continued blogging. Congratulations again you look positively radiant!! Treat yourself-go get some professional pictures taken so you can look back on them for the rest of your life and revel in all your hard work!
ReplyDeleteDamn you Laura! I am reading this right before school and you made me cry. Damn it! Now my make-up is all smeared. Damn you for making me cry, I am so damn proud of you, and you look damn hot!!!!
ReplyDeleteTodays entry was brought to you by the word damn.
You are a true inspiration, for what I want / need to do or for what anyone else wants to do in their life! Thanks so much for sharing your journey!
ReplyDeleteO h m y g o d!
ReplyDeleteit is over and there you are! I want those arms, and those "v" abs and those legs. but before all, i want your determination, commitment, your will power.
congratulations Laura, you are my role model, with all this attitude of yours to life in general. thank you for letting us get to know you, such a pleasure!
I kept checking all night long to read your last day!! I am so happy for you:) You look like an absolute movie star. I just recently found your blog and you have inspired me to do this "by the book". I had started previously,did 5 great days, my inlaws came, then my parents came and try as I might, just little pieces of it here and there. So last night I went out and got myself and great heater(working out in basement) Alittle ipod stand to blast my music and off I started this morning- I will maybe even start a laura inspired blog!! Thank you so much for everything:) Enjoy your day
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YOU did IT, no one else, but you!! I am so proud of you and I hope that you keep staying strong and true and just enjoy your new body. YOU ARE AMAZING and SUCH an inspiration. I think you should do tours :) Minnesota needs some inspiration!!
YOU ROCK!!! High five! I can't say anything more than what everyone else has already said, but I ADMIRE and APPRECIATE you so much!!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap! Your arms! Your abs! Your thighs! You're SUCH an inspiration, and not just because you have this crazy body. You've genuinely proved that nothing is impossible if you have the mental strength to just stick to it (the physical strength will come naturally). Thank you.
ReplyDeletep.s. someone needs to contact Tracy and show her this blog - she'd be so proud of you I'm sure! We all are!
You did it!! You are awesome and such an inspiration to us all! You are one fabulously creative lady and NOTHING is gonna stand in your way! You are unstoppable!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteOMG, all I can say is HOLY SHIT!!! You look absolutely amazing-and I teared up reading your blog today. It was very powerful and moving and, as always, f-cking hysterical!!! Please write a book, bc I will buy it. An please please keep blogging!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone!!! It's late... I SLEPT IN!!!
wow- I guess today is day one...but of what??? hmmmm, we will have to figure that out, huh???
It feels weird not to go upstairs right away and start working out! Tomorrow I will hit it again!
I really appreciate it!
Thank you!
More later!!
and MONIKA...
ReplyDeleteIt's your first day!!! You can do it! Don't think about thirty days... take it one day at a time -
you might not fee l to great today!! hang in there - it gets better!!!!
Go get em!!!!!
what a inspiration you are to al of us girl. Thank you for giving me so much motiviation to continue on my boot camp journey.(although it is taking me more than 30 days, i will finish by the 12 th ofnovember. so it will last 42 dyas for me) Congrats on your result!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteOMG and she has time for manicure as well...
ReplyDeleteanother 30 days and you'll be like Tracy !
you were so pretty before but i gotta say that the results are impressive!!! :)
ReplyDeletekiller abs (and everything else ;)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! you did it!
I am dying!!! When you came in a couple weeks back at H.Audrey you looked great! Today amaaaazing!!!! I am on my first day of the TAnderson and I am gonna kill it. I have been cooking for about an hour getting all my meals ready. Come in and shop wanna see this new bod in person. You may need to exchange some of your items wink wink.
ReplyDeleteCheers to you girl!
YOU ROCK! You look amazing! I am definitely going to have to stay clean to my diet, work my TAM dvds and keep up with my running. You look insanely good (even without makeup! amazing skin, I hate you! lol). Be proud, stay strong, and reward your husband with some wild and crazy sex! Work that new body out, girl. :-)
ReplyDeleteGirlfriend, you need to add Norway to your list of admirers! I don't know who I am prouder of, TA or you??? Thank you for honestly sharing your journey with us. You have singlehandedly raised the bar for TAM followers and I worship your effort and your results! I knew your results would be shocking but I had no idea they would be THIS f'n amazing!!! You are a rock star!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Holy cow! I am just so impressed - of course, I can't add anything to what everyone has already said, but congratulations! You are SUCH an inspiration, and I know we don't know each other, but gee, I'm so proud!
oh boy is this laura or u hav motphed ta with ur snap.
ReplyDeletehell man u make me green with envy.
what a journey laura.
i am bookmarking this page 4 whenever am feeling low and wanna go for an emotional food binge.
keep blogging
Dear Laura,
ReplyDeleteI read your entire 30 day blog today! I identified with so many things you have touched upon, not to mention how originally funny your are! I want to thank you for being such an honorable woman, an example for all of us showing what truly applying yourself, loving and believing in yourself can do. The ripple affect and the magic that follows is beyond words....a gift that will keep on giving to yourself and everyone else around you.
I want to let you know, it's because of you that I will be starting the BC next week! Just like you I also need a challenge that will transform me not just physically but also will shed the limitations and baggage which have been weighing me down for so many years.
So, thank you Laura! Congratulations and please keep going...
I have been reading your blog on and off, but honestly could not stop! Your results are truly amazing and I really do commend you on the commitment you made to do it right the first time...You are such an inspiration! TA should use you as her Boot Camp model!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Laura, you look Fantastic!!! I found your blog a few days ago and read all the way back to the beginning. You are truly inspirational because you share not only the ups but the downs.
ReplyDeleteToday is my day 9 and I'm looking forward to your continued blogging to see what life will be like after day 30. It feels weird to be so proud of someone I've never met... way to go!! :)
I read your entire blog tonight. Congratulations! You look wonderful. I have the 30 Day Method and the Beginner DC DVD, I use them as supplements to pole dancing and hot power vinyasa yoga because I want to improve both coordination and cardio. (Hey! Always working out different muscles or something...) I have no idea if I could do what you did, but after doing 31 yoga classes in 31 days earlier this year, I think I could stick with the exercise. But it is difficult when you work all day and live in an apartment (my downstairs must hate my jumping), after reading your blog, I think the key is to creating a devoted workout space. The meal plan, though...wow. Kale juice! I can't believe you just were going for mango smoothies every day.
ReplyDeleteAgain, congrats! The before-and-after photos were incredible. You were fun to read and I hope you keep blogging. :)
Holy Crap Laura-I can not even believe it. I am inspired. I don't know if I can do this (and god only knows where I find everything in Korea) but I am going to take a serious look at it. You look amazing. I don't think I could ever get to where you are (without surgery and more) but hey, I can look a lot better. I am signed up for your blogs but for the life of me can't figure out why they don't come to me. So I will try to stop by more often. Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment!
ReplyDeleteHi Laura,
ReplyDeleteU look amazing by the way, well done.
Just wondering if u can answer some questions for me?
Am starting the 30 day method and as wondering what sort of drink you can have during the day and also did u do the DVD that come with the book
and other DVDs aswell.
Hope u can help
Lorraine. X
This is truly inspiring! THANK YOU for giving me the belief I can do the same and feel amazing :)
ReplyDeleteYou don't seem to be keeping up your blog anymore, but I just wanted to say thank you for blogging your journey (I'm planning on starting this in two weeks time once I've got some new trainers and another juicer etc) and also to say a huge WELL DONE! You look fantastic and following it by the book is a serious achievement.
ReplyDeleteOh and I tried kale juice, with kale!, this morning (though it wasn't very successful as my juicer couldn't handle leaves so I blended it in the end), and I agree it's not great - had to lob some banana and a bit of pineapple juice in as well. Not sure I'll be doing by the book!!!
Thanks again!